Addressing Health Related Social Needs Under NYHER

Health-related social needs (HRSNs) are social and economic needs that can impact a person’s health and well-being. Examples include lack of stable or affordable housing, lack of access to healthy food, lack of access to transportation, financial strain and/or unemployment, and personal safety.

Social Care Network (SCN) Lead Entities are responsible for coordinating the network for and delivery of HRSN Services.

Which HRSN Services Are Covered by NYHER?

OHIP establishes criteria to determine Medicaid Member eligibility to receive specific, evidence-based HRSN services (e.g., housing supports, nutrition, transportation, care management) reimbursed using Medicaid dollars. These reimbursed HRSN services are referred to as Enhanced HRSN Services. Medicaid Members who have identified HRSNs but do not meet specific eligibility criteria will be navigated to HRSN services delivered by pre-existing state, federal, and local  programs.

Enhanced HRSN services reimbursable under the NYHER 1115 Waiver Program span four categories:

Enhanced HRSN Services are delivered by organizations that contract with an SCN to deliver a specific set of services to qualifying Medicaid Managed Care Members for reimbursement for those services via NYHER. For details on healthy homes support available under NYHER, including Asthma Remediation Enhanced Services, click here.

What is the Medicaid Member Journey?

The process for a Medicaid Member to access HRSN Services under NYHER begins with a screening to identify health-related social needs (HRSN) using the Accountable Health Communities tool as pictured in the below journey map:

Learn More About NYHER & Asthma Remediation Offerings

Social Care Networks (SCNs)

Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services

Resources & Training


  • Inquiries and/or feedback related to NYHER and the Social Care Networks can be emailed to [email protected]
  • The American Lung Association is available through the NYS Children’s Asthma Initiative to provide technical assistance related to NYHER’s Asthma Remediation HRSN Services. For more information, email NYSCAI here
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