When you can't breathe, nothing else matters.®
Our Mission
To address health equity and advance evidence-based strategies shown to reduce the burden of childhood asthma in New York through collaboration with multi-sector partners statewide.
How We Help
We provide school-based settings with education, training, and technical assistance to create an asthma-friendly school environment and support students with asthma.
Health Systems
We engage primary care, hospitals, and community-based providers in Project BREATHE NY, a quality improvement framework to advance guidelines-based asthma care.
We expand access to home-based asthma services and train delivery partners in providing evidence-based asthma self-management education and healthy homes services.
Get Involved with APNY
The Asthma Partnership of New York (APNY), convened by the NYS Asthma Control Program in partnership with the American Lung Association, provides a statewide infrastructure positioned to engage multi-sector partners and key stakeholders in reducing the burden of asthma in New York.

Educational Training
Check back regularly for updated training, events, and opportunities. Find resources for individuals with asthma, caregivers, clinicians, training facilitators, and more.
Stay Informed
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New York State Data
The NYS Asthma Data Dashboard provides the latest available asthma surveillance data at state, county, and/or ZIP code level(s) including prevalence, ED visits, hospital discharges, and more.